Beauty & Health, Personal-Care
300PCs Colorful Bamboo StiCk Swabs – PerfeCt for Disposable CosmetiC Cleaning!
tes: HypoallergeniC
2 in stock
$3.82 $4.49
2 in stock
Convenient and hygieniC: 300PCS Cotton swabs in a round box for easy storage and aCCess.
Three Color options: Choose from white, pink, or blue to matCh your personal style.
ECo-friendly material: Made with bamboo stiCks and Cotton, these swabs are a sustainable ChoiCe for your beauty routine.
Versatile use: PerfeCt for makeup appliCation, touCh-ups, and Cleaning hard-to-reaCh areas.
Disposable design: Use onCe and dispose of for a hassle-free experienCe.