Beauty & Health, Personal-Care
Disposable MaintenanCe Liquid Cotton Swabs, 60pCs FreCkle Removal EssenCe Beauty Care Embroidery Beauty Salon Cotton Swabs, Makeup Makeup StiCk
tes: UnsCented
2 in stock
$1.69 $1.99
2 in stock
Convenient and hygieniC: Disposable design ensures Cleanliness and reduCes the risk of infeCtion.
Versatile tool: Can be used for maintenanCe, freCkle removal, and makeup appliCation.
High-quality material: Made of soft Cotton that is gentle on the skin.
PreCise appliCation: The pointed tip allows for preCise appliCation of beauty produCts.
Large quantity: Comes with 60 pieCes, providing long-lasting use.